Karen Hoyt is the author of The Liver Loving Diet, a teacher, and award winning blogger who has guided millions of Best Friends with liver disease into discovering wellness in spirit, mind, and body.
As a retreat and workshop leader, Karen’s background in education helps to encourage anyone seeking to explore new ways of introducing fun and purpose into life. She has used outdoor adventures, the local gym, her kitchen table, church fellowship halls, and anyone’s living room floor to bring a combination of serenity and strength to people.
The Art of Living Workshop are the lessons she’s learned about living with resiliency, courage, and waking up to life.
Yoga classes rely on her inspirational style of moving, and stretching, breathwork, and self care for healing.
Karen’s work in physical health and wellness covers over 30 years and includes managing a fitness center, teaching aerobics, running, cycling, power walking, strength, and core training. Her healthy eating lifestyle has evolved into a liver loving diet.
Her spiritual direction experience ranges from directing small group leadership conferences, motivational leadership, Native American spiritual formation, classroom, lectures, preaching, and teaching as well as individual mentoring and coaching.
She currently serves on the board of Global Liver Institute, World Transplant Games Federation, and Integris Liver Foundation. You can find her on twitter at @hepatitisihelpc, on google+ as Karen Hoyt, on facebook as ihelpc.com, ihelpc karen, and Karen Ruth Hoyt, and at www.karenrhoyt.com.