If you’ve decided to find a quiet place in your head to relax and heal, here’s how to start. You’ll have a regular place in your house that feels like it’s your own place. Your first meditation will only be a few minutes. You can use a timer, like one on your phone or even an app is cool. A basic kitchen timer will work too. Maybe 3 minutes every day is a good place to start.
Sit Down
Now sit down with your timer and relax. So far, so good, right?
If you’re sitting in a chair, comfort is basic. It can be a hard backed kitchen chair or a big cozy one. Plant your feet on the floor. Make sure your back is straight. If you want to sit on a cushion, that works too. Cross legged or kneeling, pillows, props, and blankets all work. Get comfortable.
If lying down is better, fluff that pillow and go for it. I stretch out and meditate in bed a lot. The couch works too, as does a taco.

Now, imagine that your hip bones are being pulled toward the floor and the base of your head is being lifted. Did you feel your spine lengthen? Now, relax with your shoulders back and down…. all loose and heavy like angel wings.
Relax your arms and let your hands rest palms up or down. They can be on your knees, in your lap or however you want them – soft.
Relax your jaw and let your tongue rest on the bottom of your mouth.
Close your eyes, or find a spot a few feet away that is easy to stare out.
Here You Go
I like to start beginners off with a counting breath.
Breath in counting 1, 2, 3, 4.
Hold your breath counting 1, 2, 3, 4.
Exhale counting 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8.
As you inhale, let your belly be soft, fill up your back ribs, then notice your shoulders lifting. As you exhale, your shoulders move back and down – and the base of your head lifts toward heaven. Do a few breaths like this and then continue counting if you wish. You can also let your breath move to it’s own natural rhythm.
Do you notice any tension in your body? Scan from head to toe. Take your time doing this. Tight forehead or jaw? Tense back or neck? Stiff hips or ankles? No worries if there is tension or busy thoughts. Just notice and try to relax on the exhale.
Take notice of your breath moving in and out. What a miracle you are.
Sit inside of yourself and breathe. Let your heart smile. Keep breathing til your timer goes off.
This is meditation.