One of the ways that I front load my life for success is to take good care of myself. There are things I have done on a daily basis for years that helped me before, during, and after my illness. We won’t write about them all here, because this is a short blog. However, I AM going to write about my very favorite ones. You might call them routines, rituals, life hacks, whatever. Here’s my take on creating healthy rituals: my best life hacks.

There. That’s it. This picture says it all. It’s what I’ve done since I was a child. I’ve done it all through my adult life. I doubled and tripled up on it after my illness.
Now that I think of it, this picture could be interpreted a few different ways. Let me explain how getting the people in this picture relate to my life long rituals.
Karen’s Best Rituals and Life Hacks
- I get together with a group of like minded people. Like minded meaning that they are all dedicated to taking care of themselves in spirit, mind, and body. We don’t have to agree on anything else, but we love ourselves, so that we can live our best lives.
- I move around with those people. It’s stretching, strengthening, invigorating, healing, calming, relaxing, exciting, and a lot of other things. We call it yoga.
- I keep my priorities straight. Things like bad hair days, or running late don’t keep me from what’s important. You can tell that is true by the above messy pony tail, no make up look.
- I am grateful. Gratitude is a must. You can also tell by the picture that we are ALL thankful for many things. You know, like being alive, having each other, being able to heal, change, move, and grow together, and as individuals.
- I have a merry heart. Joy is the key to everything we do. I like staying joyful in the midst of trials. I can even find joy in a set-back or a tragedy. Seeking out joy in other people, and then spreading it around is one of the healthiest rituals I have.
These simple things, when done on a daily basis, over the course of time, can change your life. I feel so blessed to have found this group.
We share our favorite tips and life hacks each Monday at St Paul United Methodist Church yoga on Cherry St.
10:30 finds us doing pre-frontal cortex push ups, also known as meditation.
11:00 is when we start moving our body while listening to relaxing music. By noon, we have practiced not only yoga, but have also taken part in doing our healthy rituals together.
Join us. We’re a loving, growing, grateful, and joyful bunch who doesn’t let a little setback keep us from meeting on Mondays. If I can’t be there, Kim fills in with a gentle flow yoga and a sweet spirit.